
The Top 5: In-Demand Sustainable Skills

With the social and environmental crises rising, sustainable transformation has become a critical concern for large companies and an increasing number of SMEs and SMIs. These companies must recruit, develop, and utilize the best sustainable skills to achieve their goals. But what exactly are these skills?

To help shed some light on the matter, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 sustainable skills needs that have been in high demand since 2022, based on our Connect for Good offer.

 In a futuristic office hidden deep within a fantastical forest, a woman engages in her daily work. Behind her holographic screen, she coordinates Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives for an advanced society seamlessly integrated with its natural environment. Surrounding her, cybernetic plants flourish, merging organic and technological elements. Data streams intertwine with tree roots, symbolizing the harmony between technological progress and environmental stewardship. Soft sunlight filters through exotic foliage, creating a mystical and inspiring ambiance for her efforts towards a sustainable future.

#1 Analysis of CSR Performance

Implementing and regularly analyzing indicators is crucial to measure and monitor an organization’s CSR performance and progress. To optimize the quality and accessibility of CSR data and integrate it into decision-making processes, companies require experts in “CSR data management”.

Examples of sought-after profiles in this field include IT & CSR Project Manager, Data Analyst Sustainability, and Sustainability Business Intelligence Engineer

#2 Measuring Environmental Impacts

Measuring environmental impacts is a prerequisite to minimizing the ecological footprint of an organization and its products or services. Companies rely on experts in Carbon Footprint and Life Cycle Assessment methodologies to determine their greenhouse gas emissions and assess the environmental impacts of their products or services.

Examples of sought-after profiles in this field include Carbon Footprint Consultant, Life Cycle Analyst, and Climate Strategy Consultant.

#3 CSR Reporting: DPEF and CSRD Anticipation

Since the Grenelle II law of 2010 in France, listed companies with more than 500 employees or 100 million euros in sales must produce an Extra-Financial Performance Statement (EFS). The gradual application of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will extend the obligation of extra-financial reporting to all companies with more than 250 employees, 40 million euros in revenues, or 20 million euros in the balance sheet. Companies are seeking consultants or freelance experts in this field to anticipate the arrival of the CSRD and support the drafting of the EFS.

Examples of sought-after profiles include DPEF Writer, CSRD Expert, and CSR Lawyer.

#4 Sustainable Purchasing Roadmap

As purchasing accounts for an average of 50% of a company’s revenue, implementing a sustainable purchasing approach is crucial for acting on the entire value chain. To support this transformation, companies are turning to external experts to help buyers develop their CSR skills, assess the risks associated with different categories of purchases, integrate CSR criteria into the purchasing process, or deploy tools and systems to support strategic suppliers in their CSR efforts.

Examples of sought-after profiles include Consultant-Trainer for Sustainable Purchasing, Consultant-Trainer for Inclusive Purchasing, Expert in Purchasing Risk Mapping, Expert in Duty of Care, and Expert in Supplier Commitment.

#5 Sustainable Digital Roadmap

As the digital sector contributes about 4-5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and this figure is expected to reach 8% by 2025, the issue of digital responsibility is becoming increasingly important to organizations. Dedicated expertise can help diagnose a company’s maturity on this subject and implement priority projects to address it, covering fields of application from environmental impacts to social effects.

Examples of sought-after profiles in this field include Sustainable Digital/Green IT Project Manager, Sustainable Digital/Green IT Consultant-Trainer, and Expert in Eco-Design of Software Services.

If you recognize yourself in any of these needs, LittleBig Connection can help! Our Connect for Good solution offers a community of over 2,000 experts in sustainable transformation in France and abroad. For more information, don’t hesitate to contact Jonas Guyot at