How does LittleBig Connection support Veolia Group’s Professional Services Procurement transformation? 

Deployed solution :
LittleBig Rise et LittleBig Connect

Since 2018, Veolia Group has partnered with LittleBig Connection to digitize and optimize the management of its external services procurement. Yann Mazuy, Deputy Head of the DSI Steering Unit at Veolia Recyclage and Waste Recovery, shares the tangible benefits he has observed through this collaboration. 

What were the challenges of the project? 

The project aimed to address several key challenges: 

  • Identifying rare resources: Veolia needed to source specialized skills, particularly in areas not covered by traditional suppliers. 
  • Sourcing new suppliers: The group required access to a broader network of partners, including small businesses and freelancers. 
  • Optimizing processing time: Managing requests for proposals and monitoring services had become time-consuming, requiring a more agile solution. 


How did this LittleBig Story Veolia get started?

“In 2018, managing intellectual services in-house was a real challenge. We had two levels of framework contracts within the group and a constantly changing market.”

Yann Mazuy, Deputy Head of the Steering division in the IT Department

Sourcing niche skills and expertise

Consultants on assignment increasingly expressed a need to work with smaller companies or even as freelancers. Veolia also faced difficulties in identifying rare resources not referenced in their traditional databases. Yann Mazuy recalls that, despite these complex needs, internal tools were no longer sufficient to meet growing expectations for sourcing and managing missions. 


To address these challenges, Veolia decided to test the LittleBig Connection platform. Within just six months, the benefits were clear: the solution helped centralize the management of requests for proposals, optimize response processing, and simplify collaboration with service providers. By January 2019, the LittleBig Rise tool was adopted by the entire DSI to manage all external services, with other group entities gradually following suit. 


Why did you choose the LittleBig Rise VMS?

“What particularly appealed to us about LittleBig Connection’s VMS was its ease of use for users issuing requirements, as well as its ability to manage proposals and transform these into operational missions, with service tracking including activity reports and billing management.”

Yann Mazuy, Deputy Head of the Steering division in the IT Department

Unlike other platforms in the market, LittleBig Connection offered a comprehensive solution with clear and transparent pricing, making cost management decisions easier. The LittleBig Rise VMS also allowed Veolia to better control its spending and evaluate supplier performance. 

A unique solution used by all: 

  • Process harmonization: Standardized processes and interactions with service providers using a single platform. 
  • Precise reporting system: Tracking service consumption, generating reports, and providing a clear and detailed view of expenses, which results in tighter cost control. 
  • Supplier panel management: Measuring panel quality using KPIs integrated into the platform, tracking response rates and conversion performance. 

To sum up this LittleBig Story

Time savings
Significant reduction of administrative tasks and manual processes.

Efficiency gains
Advanced platform features, such as proposal management, service tracking, and billing, optimize service needs and improve overall efficiency.

Present on five continents with nearly 220,000 employees in 2022, the Group designs and deploys useful and concrete solutions for the management of water, waste and energy that contribute to radically changing the game. Through its three complementary activities, Veolia contributes to developing access to resources, preserving available resources and renewing them.

Veolia's ambition is to become the benchmark company for ecological transformation.

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